Rachael | Set the Table


I’m so glad you’re here.

I hope you’ll stay a while and read some stories, browse some of my favorite recipes, and feel free to be yourself.

Roasted Tomato Salsa

Roasted Tomato Salsa :: Set the Table This has been a crazy week. Is it really only Wednesday? I need a siesta. Or a fiesta. No, you're right. Both is probably the answer.

Last Garden Harvest :: Set the Table

Today, I'm bringing you salsa. I know. It's October and not at all an appropriate time to post a salsa recipe. Most gardens are spent and the weather is getting cooler every day. I guess I am throwing caution to the wind today! This salsa recipe came from the last remnants of my garden that needed to be used up; green tomatoes, red tomatoes and chili peppers that made it this long in the season deserved to be showcased in a delicious way.

Roasted Tomatoes, Pepper & Onions :: Set the Table

The process was simple. I roughly chopped the tomatoes, peppers, and onions and dry roasted them under the broiled for about 10 minutes until everything had nicely charred edges and deep color. Then, everything went in the food processor with some lime juice and salt. A few pulses and seasoning adjustments and it was ready for all manner of tortilla chips and margaritas.

Roasted Tomato Salsa Recipe :: Set the Table

If you have a party to attend (and forgot that you were supposed to bring something) this is a great solution. Fast, easy, homemade, and a crowd favorite.




Cocktail Friday: Spiced Apple + Cranberry Martini

Cocktail Friday: Spiced Apple + Cranberry Martini

Savory Corn Pancakes with White Cheddar & Rosemary

Savory Corn Pancakes with White Cheddar & Rosemary